Thursday, May 31, 2007

Adventures in the OT

When's the last time you've seriously read parts of the Old Testament?

I've been thinking a lot about the Old Testament for the last couple of days. Let me just premise this post by saying that I have spent almost all of my Bible reading time so far this year in the Old Testament, and this mostly is a result of the fact that I set a goal of reading the entire Word in one year. So far, I've found it pretty interesting. Here are a few of the things I've been going over.

1. If we don't believe that Israel is the beacon for the world, then we are sorely mistaken. I've found through reading the different accounts of the history of Israel that almost every mistake that the Israelites made is continually repeated through the course of history. So, as God ordained Israel as the nation for all the world to know him through the promise of Abraham, so to all the world realizes their shortcomings through the example of Israel as well. Pretty interesting.

2. I've been reading through "The Bible Jesus Read" by Philip Yancey (shout out to Levi here for an excellent groomsman gift) and finding that it is in the OT where we learn how to live. The NT is great for instruction, but even Paul says that all scripture is useful for teaching, correction and rebuking (2 Timothy 3:16), he is referring not to his own words but the different accounts of the poetry and narrative found in the OT. In other words, it is the OT where narrative theology is developed--an invitation to join into the story of salvation. (For great reading about this particular topic, check out Brian Walsh, J. Richard Middleton, and Lesslie Newbigin)

3. It's just plain interesting. Some of its weird, but like Kierkagaard says, "just act on what you understand". I'm finding it to be an amazing adventure I get myself wrapped into.

I'm getting through the Proverbs right now. I've learned some good words of wisdom such as gluttony being equated with drunkenness, but I shall save that for another post.

I enjoy reading responses!



dave said...

hey man, good insight. I am also reading through the Bible this year. I found Leviticus and Deuteronomy especially challenging, but who hasn't? The OT is far too often forgotten. I am trucking along. I would love to hear your thoughts on Job. One of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

duder, good stuff. actually, what you have said kicked me in the butt, and gave me a new angle to look at things. hope the youth in mission kick off is wrapping up well. last week was awesome. One Love.

Levi said...

I think it is pinnacle for one to notice how Israel truly is the center of humankind...the template if you will for how the world will react to God. Truly amazing...i admire your dedication to knowledge and you bro...

dave said...

hey man!! i need your email addres! here is the link, I think. The guys's not crazy, I just felt as though he should examine Bell's video a little more. This is a highly debated and interesting topic, and tend to lean towards spreading the Gospel a little differently. I could most definitely be wrong. I think the emphasis he placed on God's judgement and saying that displaying the ten commandments in front of someone and telling them about all the ways they fall short is not the method that can create openings for conversion in this dying world.